
New Treatment for Presybyopia

Sjónlag has for a number of years offered treatment for refractive errors with laser surgery and intraocular lenses in people over 45 years of age. The success has been very good. Now, with the advent of new laser devices, we have the ability to correct an additional problem with PresbyMax laser therapy, and this add-on procedure primarily benefit people aged 45-55. Now we have more options than ever before to manage presybyopia. Sjónlag emphasizes that clients have an exam and discuss these options with their doctor. This is the best time to discuss laser refractive surgery and have their eyesight evaluated, as well as outline the patients needs and requirements.

Book an appointment and we will evaluate your eyes and advise which treatment would suit you best.

© 2012 Sjónlag
Glæsibær - Álfheimar 74 - 104 Reykjavík - TEL +354 577 1001 - Opening hours 8:30-16:00 on weekdays